How to Write Content on Your Website for SEO

 You want your website to be searchable so people can discover it. You want to improve your page rank on search engines. To do this, do not forget to follow backlinks monitoring. One of the easiest ways to accomplish these goals is to write content on your website for SEO. This could include product pages, blog posts, articles, lists, guides, whitepapers, ebooks, slide shows, directories, glossaries, and infographics. However, if you don’t write content for your website correctly, you could be doing more harm than good to your rankings.

Write for Your Readers

When you’re first learning about SEO, it’s natural to get overexcited. This might cause you to overdo it. If you put too much emphasis on optimization, you can forget about the real reason you write content—to attract readers.

All of the copy you write should be, first and foremost, directed to your readers, not to search engines. Your results will suffer if you write content that isn’t original, informative, interesting, well-written, or relevant—content that doesn’t add value to the user. Low-value content will not only harm your chances of conversion and increase your bounce rate, but it can reduce your brand’s trustworthiness and credibility, and get you penalized by Google. So, your first step is to ensure you’re writing quality content.

Perform Keyword Research

Performing keyword research is vital. Ranking for the correct keywords—the ones your audience actually use—can make or break your website. With keyword research, you can better understand which keywords and phrases are too competitive to use, which ones will effectively target the right type of visitors, and which ones will lead to more leads. Once you have a list of effective keywords, start placing them into the content you write.

Use Long Tails

If the majority of the keywords you want to use show up as being too competitive during your research, use long tails instead. So, rather than using a keyword like “SEO,” use a longer phrase like “how to use SEO to increase conversion.” You’ll get a smaller volume of searchers, but the quality of the traffic you’ll get with long tails will be of higher quality.

Optimize Your Images

Whenever you use images as part of your copy, remember to optimize them as well. Images make your copy more interesting and engaging, but when you use relevant keywords to name the files, you can help boost your ranking on search engines.

Use Links Organically

Adding internal links to your copy can keep your visitors on your website longer. Back links from credible website can also help build credibility and trust with your readers. However, don’t overdo it. Use a maximum of five links, and make sure they’re placed organically as part of your copy.

Use Title Tags and Meta-Descriptions

The first thing Google and your readers will look at are your title tags and meta-descriptions. They should include your keywords but also sound natural in order to motivate readers to click on your links.

No Keyword Stuffing

It might be tempting to use your identified keywords often—but it’s overkill. Keyword stuffing is a big no-no in the world of SEO. Placing keywords where they don’t belong will not only hurt your ranking but will also annoy your readers. Make sure they’re placed naturally.

Use Keyword Synonyms and Variations

To stop yourself from overstuffing your copy with keywords, use related keywords, synonyms, and grammatical variations. They’ll be picked up by search engines’ Latent Semantic Indexing to match search results. You’ll be able to easily target different search queries to get more leads.

Make It Shareable

After you’ve written your content and added it to your website, make sure it’s easily shareable on the leading social media platforms. Give your readers a way to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ with social media buttons, which are easily accessible and free for anyone to use. Your ranking will increase when your content is shared frequently.


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