
Showing posts from December, 2020

Challenge: Brand Your Business!

When ambitious men and women with limited resources start a business, the focus is usually on ensuring a quality product or service, and acquiring more capital to keep the business running. What is set aside is the just as important process of branding. A business without a clear identity will not be successful no matter how much money is poured into it, or how good its product or service is. If people do not understand what a certain business is for, how can they trust it enough to give it their hard-earned money? Proper branding takes care of this issue by communicating what exactly a business’ purpose is to those interested, whether they are potential customers or investors. It can give these important stakeholders a good idea of the company’s products, services, or even ideology. So if the brand is strong and consistent, it can easily inspire loyalty and foster excellence as the standard in the entire business. Define Your Brand So how does one go abo...